miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010



viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

One good old fashioned MAYBE.

How hard it is
To find someone who feels the same?
Is it even possible to find someone
Who feels the same?
And the pain?
What do I do, if I don`t find
Someone who feels the same?
Maybe there is
No one who feels the same...
And then,
To whom am I gonna turn?

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Quema tu barbie

He is nothing like me. He is wise and brave. I`m a coward compare to him. He does not fit my world, because he is beyond my rules. He is not what I thought to be mine, because he is what I can`t be. He is much stronger that I am, I can see that by the look in his eyes. I could never stand what he does. He is different from every person I`ve met before, because he is loyal to his thoughts and his feelings. Nothing seems to stop him, I can picture him anywhere, he seems to have no boundarys. I... I don`t have boundarys either. He is already a man while I am slowly turning into a woman, he is what I aim to be, free. His plans are so perfect to me, suddenly I feel how can he could perfectly fit my world. Or maybe, I could just make my world fit him...

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

I woke up today in London

It is almost impossible to win your heart
For the pain it causes kills mine.
But words vanishing from me like this,
Hurts more than a million defeats.

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Freedom is not free

You hear to me, little unexperienced,
It`s a lie what they say
That shit, that you`ll never be alone.
Don`t believe it , little child,
When an old ghosted man open his mouth
To speak that crap
Because it`s a lie, I can tell
It`s a lie.
You will be alone
And the sun does stop heating,
And the rain does fall,
And sometimes rainbows are gone...
So you don`t hear, little dumpy,
When they say you`ll never be alone
`Cause some day, in some place
You will.


You hear to me, little unexperienced,
It`s a lie what they say
That shit, that you`ll never be alone.
Don`t believe it , little child,
When an old ghosted man open his mouth
To speak that crap
Because it`s a lie, I can tell
It`s a lie.
You will be alone
And the sun does stop heating,
And the rain does fall,
And sometimes rainbows are gone...
So you don`t hear, little dumpy,
When they say you`ll never be alone
`Cause some day, in some place
You will.

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

it does not count, as it never did and will never do.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Fuck war, makee love!

Once you told me that this was something real, that you wouldn`t let it go. Sadly (or maybe not so sadly because I knew it too) I believed you. But I guess everything ends, the thing is, sweetheart, that you also told me that our love was beyond everything.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Sound of silence

Cuando sepa que decir voy a escribir algo que valga la pena leer. Por el momento prefiero no hacer nada de lo que despues me arrepienta.
En el fondo, ya se lo que tengo que decir, pero soy una maricona (entre otras cosas) y me da miedo escribirlo.

Por lo menos lo admito.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


Dicen que cuando perdiste absolutamente todo tenes que estar feliz, porque lo unico posible en tu vida ahora sera mejorar, ya que (perdon) pero no podrias estar peor. Ahora, pregunto, ¿cuando no podrias estar mejor, tenes que tener miedo porque (ya que nada puede mejorar) vas a empezar (sin opcion) a caer de a poco?

Suerte que todavia no estoy tan bien para empezar el descenso...

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Se equivoco

Ojala algun dia puedas hacer la cancion mas hermosa del mundo, y besarme al despertar. Ojala nunca tenga que ser esclava de tu piel y sin embargo pueda amarte con locura. Ojala algun dia pueda darme el lujo de elegir, y elegirte sin pensarlo mucho. Ojala quisieras estar siempre abrazado a mi, feliz de estar a mi lado. Ojala algun dia podamos hacer ese viaje, juntos, solos; hacer el viaje y el amor. Ojala que nunca nadie controle este juego, que por favor no haya dueños. Aunque seria lindo ser la protagonista de todos tus sueños.

Ojala algun dia me digas que si para nuestro amor no encontras un buen adjetivo es porque me amas mucho, mucho mas, del te amo que me decis.

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Aching preasure.

What if the world would end up soon?
What if soon is not tomorrow,
But today`s noon?
Would you regret, the things you do?