martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Un dia por ahi.

Dancing the dance of the coins
Your feet keep moving
But your head has already explode.
Perhaps you just did not notice,
Your brain coming out, blood spread all around, part of your cranium in your hand.
It may be that you just did not heard,
Your throat screaming so loud, your heart beating so fast, all the noises coming from inside.
Sitting in the seat of hell, grabbing the square wheel, with your eyes lost across the glass
I may say you did not care
Watching your ideas evaporated, your knowledge ignored and your dreams gone.
Or maybe you did, but, I swear, they didn`t.

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Or my life, if I were dead.

If I were wood, I would like your fire to turn me to ashes.
If I were air, I would ask you to breath me
And if I were a drop, I would choose to live in your ocean.
If I were a dream, I would beg you to dream me,
And I would beg you to cry me if I were a tear.
If I were vessels, maybe you could be my blood,
Or my life, if I were dead.
If I were a bird, honey, would you be my wings?

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Remember how I felt inside.

Era una por cada vaso roto.
Y así rodaron miles cuesta abajo.
Su tamaño no se correspondía con su peso.
Eran tan chiquitas, y pesaban tanto….
Era una por el miedo, una por las dudas
Era una por el sol que brillaba anunciando la tormenta (para mi)
Eran varias por los vidrios que me pinchaban,
Otras por los vasos mal pegados y por algunas imágenes que no se borran.
Muchas, miles por el humo de algunas noches negras
Y varias que agradecían algunos muchos instantes de luz.
Eran aire que purificaban y diluían un pasado tan espeso.
Eran muchas, miles
Y deberian haber sido tan pocas.
Solo me acuerdo que estaban mojadas.